GBR, Fraench and Sweden Training Camp On Lake Geneva.
With the sun and the amazing facilities calling and of course getting back into match racing Liam, Chris, Lucy and Colin took an early flight and headed off to Geneva.
A short flight and train trip, (we won't mention getting off at the wrong stop) the team was resting in the sun outside there chalet with the Swiss mountains in front of them. The French team slow arrived, Liam and Lucy took the chance to run to the large supermarket and stock on some amazing French treat.
By 18:00 all team had arrived and it was over to the French chalet for dinner, a great evening catching up and meeting the team from Sweeden.

Training was planned for Tuesday to Friday and it was great to get up Tuesday and a good breeze was blowing. It was Chris's first time with the buoys and full on match racing, so Liam and Lucy slow introduced him working on helping him find the marks and be able to locate the to stay aware of the race track. The morning was spent getting back into the grove, which did not take long. And for the Swedish team to was all new but they were in safe hands with the French volunteer Marin.
Base Nautique de Sciez and its team and most of of Julio again welcomed us all for the sailing and provided a great place to rest and chat.
Lunch was over and we were back out, this time for a few races as the wind had easied, Chris was getting to use to the noise all be it by the end of the day a few headache tablets but was learning quick. The aim for the team this week was getting on the start line with the other team behind or a penalty and they had started well, each race hitting the line with speed keeping the French behind only just.
A quick shower and then a great barbecue in front of the sun setting with lots of chat on how to expand and get more teams back on the water.
A well earned nights rest and we were back out, this time mixing all the countries up to give more knowledge and learning, great fun watching the GBR learn and new langue or two !! If you see Lucy ask her what Jib is in French! Another day ended with close racing seeing the team from Sweden join in and have great fun trying to locate the buoys with the help of the French and GBR team.
A quick dip in the lack and change, and it was then another great evening of live music and dancing, true to say that the British team and GBR love a live band and dance.

Thursday and Friday wind was lighter, so the focus changed and the teams looked at roll tacking, weight and spotting shifts. As blind sailors, these are the areas we all struggle, sitting down to leeward and not feeling the wind on our face. Spotting the shifts when the wind drops or the boat being off the wind. Great way to learn in open water.

The sun set on a great week and out last night was again spent on the beach with a drink in hand listening to the music. Thank you to Colin for supporting and for all the French volunteers that made our week.
True friendships made, with the same goals growing Blind Sailing.