Sailing is an activity that can be shared by all, for anyone with a visual impairment it can provide a sense of freedom and adrenaline like no other.
Blind Sailing is at the heart of activities in Great Britain providing a safe place to dip your toe in the water for the first time or set your goals to represent your country, there is something in Blind Sailing for everyone to enjoy. You can read our testimonies to find out what happens at our events along with our news page. We rely on our volunteers to provide a fun and safe environment. Each volunteer offers help in different ways some onshore keeping our guide dogs safe and others who are all qualified under the Royal Yachting Association with a mix of experience who support on the water. Many have celebrated over 16 years of volunteering and representing their country alongside our visually impaired sailors, which has been recognized by the Royal Yachting Association.
All you need to do to join Blind Sailing is give us a call or contact us, you do not need any equipment or experience.

Blind Sailing is a Registered Charity, which provides sailing for blind and partially sighted people. We organise regular training sessions with coaching and help to enable novices to learn to sail. We also coach the more advanced to enable them to compete at both national and international events. The Charity use lots of different and excellent sailing schools, clubs and organisations all over the UK.

Blind Sailing is run by volunteers and Commodore, Lucy Hodges MBE says...
"I started with Blind Sailing at 17 years of age and have never looked back. When I started, I was shy very quiet, wondering what would be in the future with a visual impairment. But I can say I have never looked back, only forward wanting to give others a chance to grow and achieve through sailing.
I have won World championships, been awarded sports awards and grown in ability to communicate, work as a team and travel, this has all been through sailing and the group of volunteers we encourage. It's not just the VI's that gain new skills but the sighted team too.
I have done so much but will never forget where I started, and this shows through the awards and the full-time employment I have today. I can honestly say no matter what age you are or experience, email us and come and try. Your senses will be put to the test, feeling the breeze - but one dip of your toe in the water and you will want to come back, even as volunteers."
Lucy Hodges MBE